Malay Dance
Malay Dance
Direct School Admission 2024 (MALAY DANCE)
Our Story
For our Questari dancers, dance has always been their passion, and the
co-curricular activity offers our dancers the opportunity to embark on
an enriching and fantastic journey, exploring the wide array of traditional
Malay dance genres. These dance genres include Joget, Zapin, Asli, Inang
and Masri. Each dance form depicts the many aspects of the Malay culture
and traditions.
Our dedicated coach choreographs delicate, enchanting and energetic dance
movements to create a traditional dance form that allows our dancers to
move gracefully on stage. Our dances also incorporate the creative use
of the kompang (hand-held drum), tepak sireh (ornate betel
leaf container), umbrella, sarong and other Malay ceremonial mainstays
as dance props, adding to the beauty and enchantment of our dance form.
Our dancers demonstrate resilience and excellence through their dedication to perfect their dance movements. Our dancers have built a strong sense of belonging, teamwork and respect for each other. They always perform to their upmost best and as part of our character development, we serve the community and perform at communal events, enacting our school motto, Berani Berkhidmat (Dare to Serve).
Our dance group has shown outstanding performance during SYF. We have obtained Certificates of Distinction at the Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) Arts Presentation for three consecutive years - in 2017, 2019, and 2021. For SYF 2023, we have obtained Certificates of Achievement. Our Questari dancers remain resilience and keep on improving in their performances. Together with QTSS Quest Concert Band, we were invited to perform at the opening of SYF celebration 2023 at the Esplanade Theatre. Our dancers were proud to be part of the performers for Quest Art Festival (QAF 2024) featuring our talented and aspiring students of Queenstown Secondary School.
We welcome students who are passionate and have the experience and flair in any dance form to join through the Direct School Admission (DSA) Exercise.
Parents and students are encouraged to choose schools wisely based on the student’s aptitudes and strengths, bearing in mind the schools’ academic and non-academic requirements, and the programmes available to develop the area of talent.
Students who are successfully admitted to the school via DSA are expected to honour their commitment to the school, and participate in the activities related to the talent they are selected for from year 1 – 4.

Our Activities
School Performance
CNY concert 2023
One Raya @QTSS
School Performance
CNY concert 2024
Hari Raya Concert 2024
Quest Art Festival 2024 (QAF)
QTSS Speech Day Celebration 2024
Our Achievements
Singapore Youth Festival Competition
- Certificate of Distinction
2019 - Certificate of Distinction
2021 - Certificate of Distinction
2023 – Certificate of Achievement